Looking for funny jokes? You're in the right place.
Here are offline most funny stories of all levels which can be accessed at any time without Internet. These pieces are frequently renewed by regular updates. Here includes a large number of humorous stories in the world in many different areas:
- Animal jokes, Blonde, Blue Collar, Cross the Road,
- Dark Humor, Dirty, Doctor, Food, God, Gross, Insults,
- Kids, Lawyer, Little Johnny, Marriage, Men/Women,
- Money, Nationality, News & Politics, Partying & Bad Behavior,
- Police & Military, .etc.
It is really useful to have this little book in hand since it brings a lot of fun and laughter for you. The application is compact yet gives you a huge joke bookcase and make you laugh out loud every day. Wish you all have lots of fun in life!
- 动物笑话,金发,蓝领,过马路,
- 黑色幽默,脏,医生,食品,神,毛,侮辱,
- 儿童,律师,小约翰,婚姻,男/女,
- 金钱,国籍,新闻与政治,聚会及不良行为,
- 警察和军事,.etc。